Novice 5 person Teams
This year the introduction of a five-person novice team category is designed to make each leg of the course shorter and much more achievable. The stage layout for the novice category is:
1. MTB 35km (10km tarseal road)
2. MTB 30km (all gravel road)
3. Run 17km (gravel road and bush track)
4. Road Cycle 53km
5. Kayak 27km
7. Cycle 8km
8. Run 3km
Teams are given several options to choose who does which stage. Any one athlete can do more than one stage, providing flexibility to take advantage of fitter or less fit members.
The relay mountain biker will need to get themselves to Toa Toa. 35km from the start line. They must leave before the race starts. Once the first mountain biker hands over to the second mountain biker, the first rider will remain at Toa Toa until the last mountain biker goes past and then proceed onto to Transition 1 at the Motu Village, following tail end charlie. Please make sure that Mountain Biker one has warm clothes and food/water as they will be waiting at Toa Toa for some time. Likewise mountain biker number two will need some kit as they will be waiting for the slowest rider and then will drive to Motu village.

School Teams
The entry fee for a school team $120.
Categories Include:
Male 3/4 person
Female 3/4 person
Mixed 3/4 person
2 person (any gender configuration) - $80 entry fee

Individual entries
A secondary school student may enter the multisport event as an individual with the race organisers permission and the signed consent of a parent or guardian.
The entry fee for individuals is $80.00