General rules for all events
The following rules apply to all events, there are a few extra rules for the Motu 160,Motu Duathlon and Blue Light Mini Motu events. Click on the event logo to view the rules relating to these events.
Eligibility to Compete
•Entries are open to individuals, two, to six person teams.
•For the Motu Multsport Challenge, the Motu 160 and the Motu Duathlons competitors must be 18 years of age or over, unless competing in a team.
•Signed consent from a parent or guardian will be required for competitors under 18 years of age.
Mini Motu participants under the age of 18 will also need the signed consent of a parent or caregiver.
•With two person teams – one person may compete in up to three stages.
•Mixed teams must include at least one member of each gender.
•A registration form must be completed for each competitor or team and the entry fee paid by the closing date for entries.
•The declaration form must be completed by or on behalf of every competitor.
•All kayak and kayak gear must be treated for Didymo.
One person one category rule
A person may only enter one category. This means that an individual can not mountain bike for a team, or a team member may not be part of two teams.
Medical Conditions and Treatment
All competitors with existing medical conditions that may affect them during the Challenge must notify officials in writing before the Challenge begins. The official doctor or any other Challenge official shall have the absolute right to withdraw any competitor they consider unfit to continue. Participation in the Challenge constitutes consent by each competitor to receiving any medical attention that organisers or officials may consider necessary or desirable in the case of apparent illness, injury or accident.
No refunds will be issued for withdrawals. There will be no deferrals.
There will be no refunds. There will be no deferrals.
Event cancellation or change of course
In the event of any 'Act of God' causing a cancellation of the event, the total entry fee is non-refundable. The event may take place in all weather; however, a course change may be made at the discretion of the race director. This decision will be made in the case of poor weather or other circumstances beyond the control of the event manager and associated organisers.
Race Number
Competitors must wear the issued bib in all stages of the race and it must be clearly visible at all times. Bibs must be worn on top of all garments and other equipment (e.g., life jacket, water pack, windproof jacket, etc.). The wearing of a bib with the number partly or wholly obscured will result in the competitor or the competitor’s team being disqualified. Team members must not remove numbers until they are inside the transition area. Kayak stickers are compulsory.
Mountain Bike & Road Bike Stages
Competitors on any bike stage may use any type of road bike/mountain bike except recumbent. No pods or fairings are allowed. Competitors will not be allowed to change bikes during a stage. (All bikes used to start the stage must be the ones the competitors use throughout the duration of the stage). Competitors must obey the road code at all times. All competitors must dismount their bikes before entering transition areas. All competitors must make their own repairs; no outside help is permitted. Competitors should have bunch-riding experience. Bike helmets must be worn in all bike stages, and must be NZ Safety Standards approved or USA Z 90.4 Standard.
There is to be no crossing of the centre line.
Run Stage
For safety reasons, only one competitor will be permitted on the Motu Fall's swingbridge at one time. NO RUNNING is permitted on the bridge. Any competitor seen running will be given a time penalty. No supporters are allowed on the run stage.
No dogs are permitted at Motu Village.
Kayak Stage
Competitors should be competent paddlers to a minimum Grade 2+ standard, be water confident and capable of self-rescue. Competitors must wear approved helmets and buoyancy vests, and display a kayak sticker. It is recommended a full set of polypropylene and booties are worn. Competitors will not be allowed to change kayaks during this stage. All kayaks must contain some form of floatation e.g. airbags & all kayaks must have front tow loops. The committee strongly recommend that competitors paddle this river prior to race day. All kayaks and kayak gear must be treated for Didymo.
Cut Off Points
All competitors must be in kayaks and on the river at Oponae by 3.15pm. Due to operational and safety requirements, competitors will not be allowed onto the river after the cut-off time.
All competitors must complete the mountain bike stage before 12 noon.
Transitions/Supplies For Competitors
Nutritional requirements can only be given to competitors between stages in transition areas. Water will be supplied at the half and two-thirds mark in the run stage.
Road Closures
The Motu Coach Road will not be closed to vehicular traffic. Competitors must be aware that the road is open and that they must assume that vehicles will be on the road. This is especially important when descending hills with blind corners.
All supporters and spectators must use the Waioeka Gorge (State Highway 2) route to Motu School. Support crews travelling to Motu School are to leave kayaks at the Stage 3-4 transition area at Oponae (clearly signposted). Only two crew supporters per individual competitor and one per team will be permitted in transition areas.
All other roads are also open to traffic and normal road rules apply.
No Pacing
Competitors are not permitted to receive any form of pacing at any time during the event.
Injuries and Replacements
A team member may be replaced before the start of the Challenge provided written notification is given to the organisers. Should a team member not finish a stage, the team will be allowed to complete the course but not qualify as a finisher, therefore being ineligible for placing prizes. The race bib must still be worn and the timekeeping marshal must be told.
Any competitor who intentionally drops rubbish on any stage will be disqualified.
All lost property will be taken to the race finish and if not claimed it will be kept for six weeks then given away. Contingency plans have been designed in case of inclement conditions. Competitors and support crews will be informed of any changes at the full race briefing. It is the competitor’s responsibility to have safe equipment and the Race Director strongly advises all entrants to have their equipment serviced and checked by a qualified technician before the race.
A comprehensive list of prizes will be posted upon confirmation.
Competitors can only enter once, in one team for the Motu Challenge. Unless prior arrangement with the race committee/director has been made.
Entrants cannot change their structure of entry any time after the entry closure date. For e.g. Joe Blogs entered as an individual then on race briefing night decides to form a two person team. This cannot happen unless one week's notice has been made to the Race Director. Even then the decision is at the Race Director's discretion.
It is permissible to change the order in which your original team was entered, with notification to the race committee prior to the start of the race.
Assistance to Other Competitors
In an emergency situation competitors must render assistance to any other competitor and alert safety personal of the situation.
Promotional Material
Participation in the Motu Challenge constitutes consent by each competitor to each competitor’s name, and photos and/or videos of competitors, being taken and used by the organisers, officials and sponsors for promotional purposes.
Following Instructions
All competitors must follow all instructions of organisers and officials, and the judges’ decision on any matter is final.